Cultural Regionalisation
Gradually the small, isolated,
hitherto self-sufficient communities came into contact with one
another. They exchanged items produced for items required and a process
of assimilation took place. Small groups gravitated towards larger
ones or were absorbed by them, and villages coalesced. The sturdy,
rectangular brick houses in Upper Egypt were grouped into settlements
sometimes covering an area of
121 square yards, surrounded by
walls, the grain being placed in large pots within the enclosure. The
number of graves in the different cemeteries clearly shows that the
Egyptian people of the Nile valley were fusing into larger social
units. These were, in fact, the origin of the various provinces which
formed the basis of the political structure of Egypt in historic times.
Ancient Egyptian People |
pre-dynastic pottery, like the earlier stone artifacts, indicate that
the two cultures of Upper and Lower Egypt continued to exist side by
side. The characteristic pottery vessels of Upper Egypt displayed no
great change from the Badarian culture from which they developed. They
were still largely black-topped and burnished, but new forms had also
emerged: some vessels were fashioned like birds and animals; others
were decorated with designs of animals, humans and stars; the incised
geometric designs were often filled with a white paste, a technique
common with other African areas. In Lower Egypt, on the other hand, the
characteristic pottery ancient Egyptians vessels were either
wide-lipped and buff-coloured, with handles in wavy forms that suggest
contact with Asia, or decorated with scenes of ritual dances or hunting
depicted in red lines painted on the pale pottery.
of the Lower Egyptian pottery was decorated with scenes of many-oared
ships each bearing a standard surmounted by a totem or emblem. These
representations of totem clans are the first evidence of the cultural
identity of the various social units. Many of the totems were later
established as local deities in the various provinces: two crossed
arrows and a shield became symbols of the huntress-goddess Neith of
Sais, the emblem like a thunderbolt was the symbol of Min, the
fertility god of Coptos near Nagada. There were also standards bearing
the emblems of the jackal (Anubis God), the scorpion (Selket), the
Horus hawk and the Set animal (a dog-like creature with pointed ears
and long, upright tail). The latter, Horus and Set, provide the
earliest evidence of the mythological rivals, traditionally chief
Egyptian deities of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian People Stages |
regionalisation resulted in the emergence of men who were natural
leaders. Their settlements gradually became the central estate, with the
accumulations of the others tied to it. That is to say increased trade
between the different regions of the Delta led to less and less
isolation until the affairs of all gradually became tied to a major
estate which represented the richest and most powerful of the
settlements. Its leader was regarded as king of the
Egyptian Delta Kingdom
and the totem of his area became chief deity. There was a similar
tendency towards political unity in Upper Egypt. Whether such
leadership evolved without force we do not know. The addition to the
weaponry of maces with disc-shaped heads in hard stone, alongside an
unusually large number of broken bones among the bodies of the dead,
may indicate some intimidation.
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